Hi, My name is Levi , I am Maori and I was born in the former Greenlane Hospital (Now Greenlane Clinical Centre) on Feb 13th 2004. My Dad died when I was three from cancer and my Mum is still working hard at the age of 52.
I have 5 siblings, all of them are older than me by at least 10 years, so I’m the baby of the family. My Mum had her first child when she was 17 and me at 40. My 2nd oldest brother is the maturest of us he has a wife, 2 children and he’s planning to make a company, he’s also been made champion in his boxing centre.
My oldest brother has been to prison many times, he has since gotten out and has 2 children and a girlfriend, and like the 2nd oldest he is also a champion in his boxing centre. Now, I know what you’re thinking, ‘why are you going on about your siblings? I thought this was supposed to be about you?’ well, my dear reader, it’s just that I've run out of ideas of what to write, oh? did I mention that I’m bad at writing?
Nevermind, just remembered something actually interesting about me, I have a job, - if you consider it that way - I make logo’s for gamers and for each logo has a price about $1 - $3.50 and I can make avi popouts - I’m too lazy to write on what it is, just search it up - for an extra $1. I just started a month ago and I am now intermediate level working on 3d logo’s.
The End.
Nah I’m serious it’s time to stop reading, laters.
Sincerely your’s
That Guy in the background
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