
Friday 21 February 2014

My Bio Poem

Bio Poem

Levi R

Sporty, Lazy and Smart

Lover of playing games, staying with family and staring at the bright blue sky

Who feels happy when he is with his family

Who wonders how his life will turn out

Who fears of losing his Mother

Who would like to be famous on youtube

Who is able to recover from an accident  

Who dreams to be famous

By Levi R

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Making Bread

           Making Bread

Walt: write an explanation on making bread

Success Criteria: My writing will have
  1. A title
  2. An identifying statement
  3. Explanation written in sequence
  4. A summary statement
  5. Nouns, present tense verbs and time and sequence words

Making Bread

Bread is made from different ingredients. These ingredients are sugar, milk, butter, olive oil, rapid yeast, salt ,flour and milk.
First, combine the flour, yeast and sugar in a large bowl. Then stir in salt and then make a well in the centre and put warm milk and butter.

Then, stir the mixture until made into dough.

Next, use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl. Soon after that turn the dough onto a light surface and knead it until the dough is smooth and elastic.

After that, brush a large bowl with olive oil to grease. Then place the dough into the bowl and cover it with a damp tea towel and set it aside in a warm, draught-free place to settle for 45 minutes - 1 hour or until the dough has double sized.

Then, knead the centre of the dough with your fist. After that turn the dough onto a lightly floured place and then knead for two minutes or until the dough is elastic and has turned to it’s original size. Once it has turned to its original size, it is ready to bake.

Next, put the dough into a loaf pan and place it into a preheated 200 °C oven for about 35 minutes. When the bread is fully baked , it will sound “hollow” when it is  tapped with the finger. It will easily fall out of the loaf pan. It is now time to set the loaf of bread aside to cool down.

The yummy loaf of bread is now ready to share with your family.

Friday 14 February 2014

My Week-End

My Week-End

Last weekend I woke up and went into my room and I just sat in my room playing games like Saints row 4(A Shooter), Grand Theft Auto 5(A Shooter) and Crysis 3(A Shooter) . Then I played on my computer and just looked at video’s for about an hour. After a while my nephew called me on Skype and we played Minecraft (a popular building game) for about 6 hours.

After that we switched games and we played Grand Theft Auto 5 online together. We had just got new clothes, repaired our cars, flew planes and killed each other. After all of that my nephew and I got tired so we both went to sleep.

On Sunday, I woke up all messy and went to my computer to see if my nephew was online so we could play, but sadly he wasn’t on so I just watched video’s while I was waiting for him for about 3 hours. Finally my nephew got online so I called him on Skype and I played with him on Gta 5 Online and Minecraft for most of the day.

Next he logged off his computer so I went to play on my trampoline and I did some back-flips. Once I got bored I laid down for about 1 minute before I had to go and have dinner. After that I went to my small bed and watched  TV for about 2 hours.  Then fell into a nice deep sleep.